
Volker Dymel & Joyful Gospel

25421 Pinneberg
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  • Repertoire
    A moment like this l Ain't no mountain high enough l All of me l All you need is love l Amazing Grace l And the Lord said l Angels l Be strong & courageous l Because of You l Blessed be the name of the Lord l Blessings are falling l By and By l Can't nobody l Chasing l Circle of live l Close to you l Come along with me l Come holy spirit l Cry for help l Das Beste l Dir gehört mein Herz l Doesn't matter l Down in the river to pray l Down by the riverside l Draw me close l Endless love l Everyday l Every morning l Give God the praise l Give to the Lord l Go tell it on the mountains l Godspeed l Going up yonder l Gospel of Jesus Christ l Great is he l Großer Gott wir loben dich l Halleluja, Amen l Happy l He's just a prayer away l Hem of your Garment l He is a living God l He is there l He is near l He is the reaon l Hear my cry l His eye is on the sparrow l Holy, holy l Hurts of the world l I am the light l I believe in God l I call on your name l I have an angel l I love the Lord l I say a little prayer l I will enter your presence l I will follow him l I'll be there l I'll make it home someday l Ich kenne nichts, was so schön ist wie du l Imprint of your footsteps l It is well with my soul l Imagine l It's a good day l Jesus is the answer l Jesus, you are on the throne l Joshua fit the battle l Lean on me l Lift him up l Lift your hands l Lord I lift you name up high l Lord I lost my way l Lord prepare me l Lord we will lift your l Lord you are my shelter l Lost in prayer l Loving words l Lovely day l Medley: He's got the whole world, This little light, Amen l Moll-Medley: Joshua fit the battle, Wade in the water, Go down moses l My help l My life is in your hands l My wish l Oh happy day l Oh Lord, you've been so good to me l Oh my Lord l On Chrismasday l Open my mouth l Privilige l Remember l Sanctuary l Shakles l Shout to the Lord l Shower of love l Silent Night l So good l Souled out l Speak to my heart l Swing low l Testify to love l Thank you Lord l The Lord just keeps on blessing me l The Lord is my Light l The Privelege l The storm is over now l To love somebody l Traditionel-Medley: Rock my soul, It's me, Old time relgion l We are the world l We belong together l We magnify your name l Wedding Day Lovesong l What do you call him l When I go to be with the Lord l Where you lead l Worship-Medley: Here I am to worship, In your arms of love, Open the eyes of my heart l Worship the Lord l You are holy l You promised l You raise me up l You're my brother l You'll never be alone l You've got a friend
  • Referenzen
    Porsche l Helm AG l Marriott Hotel Hamburg l Atlantic Hotel Hamburg l Grunar & Jahr l HSH Nordbank l Pfizer l Albertinen-Krankenhaus l Dodenhof l Lions-Club l St. Michaeliskirche Hamburg l Rossmann l Europa-Park l Tchibo l Robinson-Club Türkei l Krankenhaus Tabea l Tibarg-Center Hamburg l Hanseviertel Hamburg l Beiersdorf l REWE l Rahlstedt Arcarden l Olympus l Bäckerei Kamps l Alice l Delphin-Hotel Türkei

Wenn es um Gospelmusik in Deutschland geht, spielen Volker Dymel und Joyful Gospel ganz vorne mit. Die 10-köpfige Gospelformation bestehend aus professionellen SängerInnen und Musikern, die in verschiedenen Besetzungen auftritt. Auf Hochzeiten, Firmen-Event, Open-Air-Festivals, in Kirchen und Konzertsälen begeistern sie ihr Publikum. Man fühlt sich schnell wie in einer Black-Gospel-Church.

Joyful Gospel hat in den vergangenen 25 Jahren bereits 9 Gospel-CDs und 3 Gospel-Live-DVDs veröffentlicht. Weiterhin sind sie vertreten auf der “Go Gospel-CD” mit Aretha Franklin und Mahalia Jackson.

Soll es ein bisschen mehr sein, kommt der Joyful Gospel CHOIR mit 20 Choristen und Solisten in Frage.
Auf Hochzeiten, Firmen-Events, Open-Air-Festivals sind Volker Dymel mit seinen Chören gern gesehene Gäste. Emotion, Begeisterung, Unterhaltung, Klasse wird garantiert! Mehr Infos gibt es auf der Homepage

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